Finally, Bollywood Actress Anushka Sharma spoke about parenting with the star cricketer husband Virat Kohli at Slurrp Farm’s YES Moms & Dads event. Though Anushka has always been tight-lipped about her private life, the actress opened up to share the tough times she and her hubby have faced in bringing up their kids, Vamika and Akaay, besides immense pressure being put on parents to be “perfect”.
“There is so much pressure to be this perfect parent,” Anushka admitted. She also added that it is fine to share your imperfections in front of the children as it gives them a hint that parents are no different from humans. “We’re not perfect, and that’s OK. Imagine kids thinking, ‘My parents are like this’, and having to live up to those expectations,” she explained.
Anushka told People, half-jokingly, about the change in her social life since becoming a parent: “People invite us to dinner, and I’m like… you’re probably eating a snack when we eat dinner.”
Talking to her about her parenting philosophy, she shared that she and Virat believe in leading by example. “My daughter is very young, and I don’t think I can teach her anything directly. It’s more about how we live our lives. Are we showing gratitude to others in our daily lives? That’s what children learn from.”
Anushka further spoke that the couple is committed to giving values like gratefulness to the kids through their example.
On the work front, Anushka will soon be seen in Chakda Xpress, a biopic on Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami. The movie is her return to the big screen after her 2018 film Zero, starring Shah Rukh Khan opposite her.