Shah Rukh Khan, the Bollywood Superstar is the first Indian Celebrity who was awarded a lifetime achievement honor at the 77th Locarno Film Festival, designated as the Pardo alla Carriera, or Career Leopard. SRK wore a sleek black blazer and black trousers. As usual he looked fabulous, and fans were admiring him.
SRK, aka King Khan left the fans and the audiences in awe with his evergreen charm. We have seen in many pictures and videos that he was making the crowd go insane by his charm and love. The main attractive moment was his speech, fans were cheering for him. The whole crowd was going gaga about it.
Pictures and videos of SRK from the event are all over the Locarno Film event’s Instagram account. SRK started off by thanking everyone for their cordial welcome. He joked, alluding to his well-known open-armed stance, “Thank you all for welcoming me with such wide arms – wider than the ones I do on screen.”
King Khan praise Switzerland, and the location. He adds “It is beautiful, very artistic and cultural and extremely hot city of Locarno. He further said “Too many audiences are there in a square and its hot. It is just being home in India”.
The prize’s name was difficult for Khan to say, so he joked, “This award here, which, for the life of me, I’ve been trying… I could not pronounce it.”
SRK renamed it as “The Leopard award for being the most wonderful in the world, in the history of humility, kindness, and goodness,”
SRK has emphasized the universal nature of art and filmmaking, stating that it transcends man-made boundaries and can express its own truth without being political, polemical, or moralistic. He believes that art and cinema should express their own truth from the heart, which is the most creative aspect.
SRK, who has a 35-year career in the film industry, has played diverse roles, including villain, champ, superhero, zero, rejected fan, and resilient lover. He promises to push his boundaries and embody all facets of life and emotions in his work. He promises to give one more take, shot, emotion, and love to make the audience feel joyful. The award he received encourages him to continue embodying all facets of life and to give one more shot, emotion, and love to make the audience feel joyful.