In July, Dharma’s comedy film Bad Newz, which starred Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri, and Amy Virk, was well-received by the public. Following its theatrical release, the film has now been released on the over-the-top (OTT) platform. Vicky Kaushal and Tripti Dimri’s highly entertaining comedy film Bad Newz made a big impression on the audience when it first came out, and now that it’s been released on the platform, fans can finally have their much-needed fix. Director Anand Tiwari’s film was released on the OTT platform one day earlier, but with a twist. In this case, please let us know which OTT platform Bad Newz has been released on and how to watch it.
Enjoy Bad Newz: Now Accessible on Various OTT Platforms
Vicky Kaushal’s comedy film Bad Newz has been launched on Amazon Prime Video for online streaming starting August 31. The film, which stars Vicky Kaushal and Triptii Dimri, has gained popularity due to its Tauba Tauba song and dance trend. However, the film has not received rave reviews from critics and has received mixed reviews from film experts. To watch Bad Newz on OTT, viewers must pay a rent amount on Prime Video. The film’s popularity is attributed to its convincing performances by Kaushal and Dimri, as well as its dance trend.
Bad Newz: Charting Its Journey to Box Office Success
Regarding Bad Newz’s performance at the box office, its financial performance has been extremely successful. Sacnilk claims that Bad Newz, a low-budget movie, has made a respectable Rs 66 crore net at the box office and has collected over Rs 100 crore worldwide.