Devara, directed by Koratala Siva, broke box office records during its opening weekend, breaking records on its first day. However, the film struggled to maintain momentum, earning Rs 12.5 crore on September 30, a 68% drop from its Sunday collection of Rs 39.9 crore. The earnings were split across languages, with Telugu earning Rs 8 crore, Hindi earning Rs 4 crore, Kannada earning Rs 0.1 crore, and Malayalam earning Rs 0.1 crore. Despite this decline, Devara continued to build on its strong weekend performance, grossing Rs 304 crore worldwide during its opening weekend.
The Monday dip came after Devara broke national records, prompting a large global response. It was hailed as the biggest opener in Indian cinema history, and it also became the second-largest global opener, topping the blockbuster Transformers. According to Comscore data reported by the Hindustan Times, Devara earned Rs 172 crore on its first day alone and Rs 275 crore worldwide throughout the weekend. This tremendous feat puts it just behind The Wild Robot, which grossed Rs 44 million internationally during its opening weekend. Devara, the first of two epics, takes place in India’s forgotten coastal regions. The film, which was released in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada, enthralled fans with its fast-paced action and captivating story.