Recently, Madhur Bhandarkar disclosed an intriguing truth regarding his partnerships with prominent figures such as Tabu and Priyanka Chopra. He revealed that in order to guarantee that the films were made without financial hardship, these women drastically lowered their rates.
Madhur told Bollywood Hungama, “Every female actor slashed her price when working with me.” In actuality, Tabu accepted a special arrangement for Chandni Bar wherein she received payment just from ticket sales and declined to collect any additional payments for the movie. The director considered the meagre Rs 1.5 crore budget for Chandni Bar, emphasising how Tabu only took salary from the Delhi or Bombay regions. He added that actresses for Satta, Corporate, Fashion, and Heroine, including Raveena Tandon, Bipasha Basu, Priyanka Chopra, and Kareena Kapoor, similarly lowered their fees.
Because of their dedication to making these films a reality and awareness of the responsibility that came with their parts, these women decided not to charge their standard market prices, which allowed the projects to proceed within financial limits. Bhandarkar also talked on the rising expenditures of entourages for performers throughout the debate, stressing the necessity to keep these costs under control because they can greatly increase a movie’s budget. When asked how much an entourage costs, Madhur replied that he had never come across unreasonable requests and that these costs usually fit within the overall budget of the movie.
The director, who has directed films like Chandni Bar, Page 3, and Traffic Signal, which starred Priyanka Chopra, has disclosed intentions for a Fashion sequel. He isn’t sure if he wants to do an OTT series or a movie, though. Madhur stated that there would be enough content for two or three seasons of the story.