Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who is now in Mumbai, attended her brother Siddharth Chopra’s wedding ceremony. Today, August 26, Priyanka Chopra shared a video from her trip to Mumbai’s Film City on Instagram Stories.
Priyanka Chopra posted an Instagram story with a video from inside her car seeing the spectacular entry to Film City. She arranged the scene to the legendary song ‘Ghar Aya Pardesi’ from Sunny Deol’s Gadar, evoking a genuine sense of homecoming.
Chopra hinted to her mixed emotions during her visit by using the sobbing and laughing emojis.
For those who were unaware, Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ upcoming Marathi film Paani, which she produced, now has a release date. ‘Paani’, directed by Addinath M. Kothare and starring him, will be released in theaters on October 18, 2024.
The film, produced by Priyanka and her mother, Madhu Chopra, won the 66th National Film Award for Best Film on Environment Conservation in 2019.
PeeCee has expressed her pride in supporting the film #Paani, which was awarded the ‘Best Feature Film on Environment Conservation’. She thanked the team, @purplepebblepictures, @madhumalati, and @siddharthchopra89, for their hard work and the recognition of the film’s impact on the water crisis. PeeCee also thanked the jury for recognizing their efforts and for bringing the film to fruition. She expressed gratitude for the recognition and the opportunity to continue telling stories about the seriousness of the water crisis. The film has given PeeCee further impetus to continue telling the stories she believes in.