Kangana Ranaut has launched her latest project, Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata. She will also appear in an untitled Tamil psychological thriller with R Madhavan. Kangana Ranaut has revealed her upcoming film, Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata, which has a patriotic theme. The performer, who is currently having difficulty acquiring CBFC (Central Board of Film clearance) clearance for her political thriller Emergency, is now preparing to star in a new patriotic film on ‘unsung heroes’. Kangana, along with Adi Sharmaa of Floating Rocks Entertainment and Eunoia Films, revealed the news in a joint Instagram post.
A New Chapter: Kangana Ranaut Joins Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata
Kangana can be seen posing alongside Adi and the team. The post read, “Kangana Ranaut is ready to spearhead our first venture! We are excited to announce Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata, a cinematic tribute to unsung heroes and our debut project as producers Babita Ashiwal and Adi Sharmaa under the labels @eunoiafilmsindia and @floatingrocks_ent.Our film, which stars the very gifted Kangana Ranaut @kanganaranaut, is directed by Manoj Tapadia, a creative writer. Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata promises to evoke strong emotions in spectators, instilling hope, courage, and perseverance.”
About Emergency
Kangana’s directorial flick Emergency was originally scheduled to be released on September 6. However, due to the film’s politically sensitive nature, the Indian censor board has suggested some modifications. It is unclear when the film will be released, but Kangana has stated her intention to release the uncut version of her film in theaters.
The film chronicles the events of the Indian Emergency, which lasted 21 months, and Kangana plays former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Emergency also stars Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Vishak Nair, and the late actor Satish Kaushik in key parts.
Analyzing Kangana Ranaut’s Impact on Cinema and Political Discourse
Kangana made her Bollywood debut in Anurag Basu’s Gangster. She later appeared in popular Hindi films, like Woh Lamhe and Life. Queen, Tanu Weds Manu, Tanu Weds Manu Returns, Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, and Tejas are all included in the Metro. She joined the Bharatiya Janata Party ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and is now a Member of Parliament for her birthplace of Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. Kangana will also appear in a Tamil psychological thriller starring Ra Madhavan and helmed by Vijay.