In a recent episode of The Ranveer Show, Bollywood star John Abraham dropped a major hint about an exciting new project initially titled “Malakal”. Ranveer Allahabadia made him relive his journey, right from his middle-class family background and the problems he faced in Bollywood. But what turned the heads of many was John’s declaration of Malakal, a film promising to narrate an extremely riveting tale of courage.
He said Malakal would focus on one big chapter of history: the one about the conflict in Malakal, Africa. This region, split between the predominantly Muslim North Sudan and the Christian-majority South Sudan, had just witnessed one of the most horrific wars between the Dinka and Nuer tribal groups. Indian troops were sent to this troubled land as part of a peacekeeping force the United Nations dispatched, and the film will be about their experience and hardships they faced in the war field.
That announcement became all the more alluring with the back story. John responded, saying that he was actually watching an episode of The Ranveer Show with Major Samar Pal Singh Toor when he got that surprise call from Major Toor himself. In that call, Major Toor wanted John to do the film and narrated the story to him. Stunned by the timing of it all, John said, “I think the universe really conspired for this, and I have to thank you for that.”
John’s presence in the film Malakal is almost excitedly anticipated because, over time, he has built a case for picking intense and meaningful roles. This movie shall indeed be an intense portrayal of the bravado of the Indian soldiers and the complex dynamics that wars breed in South Sudan. It won’t just document the heroic efforts; it’s going to showcase the geopolitics of such strife-torn places.
The buzz for Malakal has already begun to pick up, especially after Major Toor took to his Instagram and gave a sneak peek from the interview, saying, “STAY TUNED FOR MALAKAL!” While fans await more updates, this film prospect can easily take on the tag of becoming one of Bollywood’s most-awaited releases a tale of courage.
Stay tuned for more updates!