Singer Shreya Ghoshal announced on Saturday that her concert in Kolkata would be rescheduled on X and Instagram in light of the recent ‘gruesome’ rape and murder of the trainee doctor at RG Kar hospital in the city. Ghoshal announced that she was really shocked and distressed by the situation, which is why she decided to reschedule her September 14 Shreya Ghoshal Live, All Hearts Tour Ishq FM Grand Concert performance in Kolkata.
Shreya Ghoshal Voices Concerns Over Kolkata Doctor Assault Case
“I am deeply moved by the horrific and heinous incident that took place in Kolkata,” Shreya Ghoshal declared. As a woman, I find it unimaginable to consider the extreme cruelty she had to endure, and it makes my skin crawl. My promoters and I would want to postpone our show, “Shreya Ghoshal Live, All Hearts Tour Ishq FM Grand Concert,” which was initially slated for September 14, 2024, to October 20, 2024, with heavy hearts and sorrows.
“We were all very excited about this concert, but I feel that I must stand up and stand with you all in solidarity,” Shreya Ghoshal continued. Sincerely, I pray for women’s safety and respect throughout the world, not just in our own. I’m hoping that my friends and supporters would respect and agree with our choice to move forward with this show. As my band and I stand together against the evils of humanity, please stick with us. Please be patient as we announce the new date. The tickets you currently have will still be good for the new date. I’m excited to see everyone. Love, blessings, and optimism, Shreya Ghoshal
The September 14 event at Kolkata’s Netaji Indoor Stadium has been delayed till October. It has been guaranteed to ticket holders that their current tickets will still be good for the new date. The statement “Hey, this event has been rescheduled but watch this space for updates” may be found on the organizers’ website.
Several more celebrities, including Alia Bhatt, Kangana Ranaut, Kareena Kapoor, Karan Johar, Hrithik Roshan, and Randeep Hooda, have also voiced their shock and sympathies in reaction to the sad rape and murder case involving the doctor at RG Kar hospital.