Natasa Stankovic, who split from Indian cricket player Hardik Pandya, sent a mysterious statement on Instagram Stories regarding the essence of love. Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya and his spouse Natasa Stankovic have been carrying on apart since their split. Natasa recently posted a mysterious remark regarding the nature of love on social media. She wrote, “It does not dishonour others,” in part of her note. It does not keep track of wrongdoings, underscoring its innate purity and forgiveness.
Natasa Stankovic posted a moving message about the nature of love on Instagram Stories.
She starts her note by saying, “Love takes time. Love is compassionate. It doesn’t feel envious. It doesn’t make any claims. It is not arrogant. It went on to say that love does not get easily agitated, respects other people, and abstains from selfishness. Love is truth-loving, unafraid of injustice, and characterised by unflinching trust, perseverance, hope, and protection. “Love never fails,” was how the note concluded.
Natasa Stankovic and Hardik Pandya announced their split on social media in July 2024. The couple called the breakup a “tough decision.” They were first married in May 2020 and reaffirmed their vows in February 2023 with both Hindu and Christian ceremonies.
After four years together, Hardik and Natasa announced in a joint statement on July 18 that they had decided to split amicably. They said that, in spite of their hard work and devotion, they think that this choice is best for them both. They expressed gratitude for the happiness, respect, and camaraderie they experienced while starting a family. “Considering the happiness, respect for one another, and camaraderie we experienced together and as we grew a family, this was a difficult decision for us to make,” their post stated.
The declaration also emphasised their desire to co-parent and provide their son Agastya all the love and support he requires, demonstrating their dedication to him. It said, “We will co-parent to make sure we offer Agastya everything we can for his happiness. We are blessed with him. He will continue to be the centre of both of our lives. We respectfully ask for your cooperation and understanding in order to maintain our privacy during this trying and delicate time.”After their split, Agastya, the son of Hardik and Natasa, has been residing with his mother in her Serbian village.
Singer Jasmin Walia and Hardik are rumoured to be dating in the interim.