Parineeti Chopra, an actor for Amar Singh Chamkila, recently stated her desire to work in the UK. She also discussed her future professional goals. Among the most well-liked Bollywood actresses, Parineeti Chopra has cemented her position. Over the years, she has acted in a number of films. Most recently, the audience was incredibly appreciative of her performance in Amar Singh Chamkila. The actress, who is presently spending her holidays in the UK, has also stated that she would like to look into employment prospects in the European country.
Given her versatility, Parineeti Chopra was recently asked if she has ever thought of working outside of Indian cinema in the West during an interview with Eastern Eye. The actress, who was delighted by the comment, didn’t take long to say that she is open to new job prospects. “Oh, thank you so much,” she exclaimed. Why not? To be honest, I’d really like to explore for possibilities and work in the UK. Though perhaps not as western as in Hollywood, this is something in which I would be quite interested. An innovative project within the United Kingdom.
“Pari also revealed her intentions to go farther in addition to this. She acknowledged that she was at a point in her career where she was more concerned with quality than quantity. She claims that it will be alright to work on one more film for quality’s sake because a project needs to inspire her within, much like Ammar Singh Chamkila did.
She added to her argument by revealing that although she had played Chamkila two years prior, it didn’t matter because she was thrilled to play the part. Actress stated that her “biggest learning” has been to take on jobs that personally thrill her, involve homework, and have the potential to touch people’s hearts. “It’s now the experience I’m searching for,” she stated.
Parineeti has been spending her holiday time in London, England. She’s frequently shared tidbits of her enjoyable time spent in the British city. Regarding her professional career, Pari was most recently seen in Diljit Dosanjh and Imtiaz Ali’s Amar Singh Chamkila. The famed Punjabi singer, renowned for her songs that broke records, served as the inspiration for the biographical drama. The movie got a tonne of love and praise from both critics and viewers when it was released on Netflix earlier this year. The actress has not yet disclosed any upcoming endeavours.