For the first time in history, Bollywood’s queen bee Rani Mukerji, and the master of all things glitz and glam, Karan Johar, will be addressing the Australian Parliament on August 13, just before the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. This move implies that the cinema fraternity is getting international recognition and is a vital bridge between cultural and geographical divides worldwide.
According to Hindustan Times, Rani Mukerji termed this as a “milestone moment” and shared how she felt a matter of great pride in the representation of Indian cinema on this very esteemed platform. She further illuminated how cinema from India in different languages contributed to worldwide pop culture and brought a slice of entertainment into the lives of people worldwide.
For Karan Johar, as enthusiastic as Mukerji, the event was “historic” and proved that Indian storytelling has far-reaching effects. He added his thanks for the opportunity to express the rich legacy of Indian cinema on an international platform.
The visit would set the tone for the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, beginning August 15. The event will also pay tribute to late filmmaker Yash Chopra, with the launch of a special commemorative stamp during the festival, underlining the solid legacy that Indian cinema has left on the world platform.
Adding to the festival’s prestige, Ram Charan will be celebrated as the Ambassador of Indian Art & Culture at IFFM, which will be held from August 15 to 25. He will be the guest of honor for the said time, and such massive recognition came his way as the world acclaimed his work in “RRR”. The president of IFFM took social media to express what Charan’s presence would mean. “Ram Charan’s presence at the 15th edition of the IFFM will add that extra layer of excitement and prestige. His work in RRR has not only raised the bar but has cemented his status as one of the most influential stars in Indian cinema today. We are excited to welcome him to Melbourne and celebrate his success with festival audiences.”
There will be a dynamic panel led by three promising young actors from India: Vikrant Massey, Rasika Dugal, and Adarsh Gourav. They will share their views on the future of Indian cinema and its global impact, and the role that the emerging actor fraternity has in shaping its narrative.
With such a lineup, the IFFM 2024 is set to be a monumental celebration of Indian cinema, both past and present.