Raj Chakrabarty and Abir Chatterjee are collaborating for a film, marking Subhashree Ganguly’s return to the silver screen after her daughter Yaalini’s birth. The film is a screen adaptation of the Bengali literature book Babli by Buddhadeb Guha, a love story about Babli and Abhi, who find each other despite being diametrically opposite.
There was a promotional event where all the casts were present. The promotional event also featured the presence of the film’s music director, Indraadip Dasgupta, and director, Raj Chakraborty.Subhashree, dressed in a white embroidered cotton saree, embodied her character Babli, while Abir and Souraseni attended a lighthearted event where they engaged in playful banter about Raj’s loving nature. August 15, the day of Srijit Mukherji’s Padatik, is when the movie is set to be released. A sense of industry cooperation was evident when Raj asked that the audience view both movies.
The film ‘Babli’, based on Buddhadeb Guha’s novel, is expected to be a captivating love story with Subhashree’s character Babli as a key element. The film’s success will test the director-actress pairing’s chemistry on and off screen. The film’s music, composed by Indraadip Dasgupta, is also expected to be a hit.
Let us get into the plot Abhiroop, a London School of Economics graduate, befriends Damayanti (Babli), his boss’s relative, on their journey to Dimapur. Babli, who is overweight, believes writers don’t create stories about people like her. Their friendship takes a new turn when their car breaks down and they stay in a wooden house in the jungle. Babli’s doubt grows when she learns Jhuma, her air hostess friend, is attracted to Abhiroop. The film, set in rural Bengal during pre-independence, follows Babli’s quest to find her lost love, defying societal norms and encountering challenges, mysteries, and unexpected twists. It promises a captivating blend of romance, adventure, and historical elements, making it an eagerly anticipated release for Bengali cinema enthusiasts.To witness their love story you have to watch the film on theaters.