Khatron Ke Khiladi the show, which was started in late July, now got the attention of the audience. This year the first two episode was total fun and drama. Asim Riaz a contestant got fired because of massive argument with another contestant and Rohit Shetty. Asim Riaz, Shalin Bhanot, Shilpa Shinde, Abhishek Kumar, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Gashmeer Mahajani, Sumona Chakravarti, Krishna Shroff, Niyati Fatnani, Aashish Mehrotra, Karanveer Mehra, and Aditi Sharma are the contestants for this season 14. No doubt, tjis year it was going all well too, but Asim’s misbehavior highlighted too much. He was sent on the sidelines after getting into many fights with the other contestants in the first episode. He could not handle the casual jokes.
Audiences has seen him criticising the stunts. He did well but could not win the task given. Rohit Shetty did not like his attitude as he asked Asim ‘whats the issue?’ He came with arogant attitude towards Rohit. Later Rohit slammed him. Asim stated he doesn’t need the show and the fame of the show is because of him.
Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 has achieved the lowest TRP in the show’s history, with the first episode receiving 1.7 million impressions. This follows the removal of Asim from the show due to his attitude. Seasons 13 and 12 had 1.8 ratings, season 12 had 2.5, season 11 had 2.6 TVR, season 10 had 3.3 TVR, and season 9 was second on the TRP charts. Season 8 had 3.3 TVR, while season 7 saw a drop of 2.1. Season 14 has the lowest TRP ever, indicating that the Bigg Boss tactics have not been effective in the show.
Khatron Ke Khiladi has been known for Stunts, games and competition. Fans has been enjoying and hyping the show for a very long time but this season they are feeling something off. The episodes are coming every weekend on Colors. Keep watching and supporting your favorite contestants.