Months of speculations can be laid to rest now, as it is confirmed that Bollywood star Salman Khan and critically acclaimed director Atlee are collaborating on a pan-India action entertainer. Making the most noise already, this big-budget film will further continue the excitement in the air, as Tamil cinema legend Kamal Haasan is in discussions to come aboard the film, as he may play a parallel lead role opposite Salman Khan. If this materializes, it would be among the biggest casting coups recently, combining two of Indian cinema’s biggest names for one of its hottest helmers.
This ambitious project first took shape more than a year ago when Salman Khan and Atlee met to explore the possibility of doing a film together. Still on a high after the success of his blockbuster Jawan, Atlee was more than keen to work with Salman and immediately presented this two-hero film idea to him. Salman liked the storyline immediately and asked Atlee to do a full script. A few months later, Atlee did and Salman was so impressed that he gave his approval without batting an eyelid.
Now, the latest speculation is that Kamal Haasan has been approached for the film. Salman himself is said to be in persuading mode to get the Tamil superstar aboard. A joint narration of the script is in the offing. With everything falling in place, the film may bring together two of the biggest names of Indian cinema for the first time on screen.
Details about the plot are kept tightly under wraps, but if sources are anything to go by, this is Atlee’s biggest project to date. Known for his staple of action, romance, and family drama, Atlee is writing a storyline that is multilayered and quite complicated, hence promising an absolute thrill for the audience. The challenge will not only lie in handling two iconic superstars but also in creating a narrative that does justice to their larger-than-life personas.
The movie is slated to hit the floors in January 2025, with pre-production work starting as early as this October. Atlee intends to shoot a special announcement promo first before commencing principal photography, pegging fan excitement high. Meanwhile, both Salman and Kamal Haasan are busy wrapping up their current projects Salman with A.R. Murugadoss’ Sikandar and Kamal Haasan with Thug Life and Indian 3-to plunge into this high-octane action thriller.
A combination of Salman Khan and Kamal Haasan on screen is every movie buff’s dream come true. With the kind of experience, charisma, and frenzy associated with both actors, the movie is sure to attract box-office records. And with Atlee at the helm of affairs, fans are in for a visual extravaganza that will raise the bar in Indian cinema.
Till the confirmation comes through, the excitement just doesn’t seem to dim. Salman Khan, Kamal Haasan, and Atlee are coming together to create a movie that shall be remembered for years. The shooting starts early next year, so fans are in store for something quite new: an action-packed extravaganza with star power all set to capture the big screen sometime in 2025.