The third season of Bigg Boss OTT concluded on August 2, featuring a highly anticipated grand finale. The competition came down to two strong contenders: actress Sana Makbul and rapper Naved Shaikh, popularly known as Naezy. The suspense reached its peak when Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor took the stage to announce the winner. Ultimately, Sana Makbul emerged victorious, securing the title of the season’s winner. She not only walked away with the prestigious trophy but also received a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh. Sana’s win was a result of substantial support from the audience, who appreciated her journey throughout the show. This season of Bigg Boss OTT continued to captivate viewers with its intense and dramatic moments, ending on a high note with Sana’s victory.
There were heartbreaking moments and amazing performances at the stunning climax. In honor of the event, all of the competitors—Armaan Malik, Payal Malik, Ranvir Shorey, and others—came together. The audience cheered Sana Makbul’s victory when Anil Kapoor declared her the winner.
Sana made it to the finals in spite of criticism from some competitors and viewers who called her arrogant, manipulative, and self-centered. She was virtually always put down for removal during the season and was frequently referred to as the “villain” of the house.
Sana caused chaos in a recent show with her divisive comments regarding Ranvir Shorey’s personal life, which included his son and divorce. The contestants were split into two teams for a challenge that started the tension. Ranvir, Kritika, and Naezy made up one team, and Sana, Sai, and Lovekesh made up the other. Participants in the activity had to keep a smile on their faces while others attempted to irritate them.
During a task, Sana made several provocative statements directed at Ranvir. She questioned him about his son’s age and location, specifically asking, “How old is your son? 13, right? And he is in the US; why are you here then?” Sana further implied that Ranvir was more interested in the cash prize than the trophy itself, stating, “You’re more interested in the Rs 25 lakh than the trophy, and you mentioned wanting to use the money for your son’s college, but 25 lakh isn’t enough for that.” This remark seemed to insinuate that Ranvir’s motivations were more financially driven rather than for the honor of winning the trophy.
These comments reportedly angered Ranvir, leading to a heated response. Feeling provoked by Sana’s insinuations about his priorities and his financial situation, Ranvir allegedly responded by showing her the middle finger. This reaction indicates that Sana’s remarks hit a sensitive nerve, possibly related to Ranvir’s personal life and his aspirations for his son’s future education. The incident highlights the tension and emotional volatility that can arise in competitive environments, especially when personal matters are brought into public discussions.