Box office receipts for Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha on the first day: The film directed by Neeraj Pandey and starring Ajay Devgn and Tabu has premiered to dismal box office receipts. Early estimates the love drama took in merely Rs 2 crore on its opening day in India. The movie came out against Ulajh, starring Janhvi Kapoor and Gulshan Devaiah, which did even bad than this at the box office than the Neeraj Pandey picture. This is Ajay Devgn’s worst opening since All the Best, his 2009 release that took in Rs 1.82 crore at the box office.
Compared to Ajay Devgn’s previous two releases of the year, Maidaan (Rs 7.25 crore) and Shaitaan (Rs 15.21 crore), Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha’s opening day receipts are less. Despite Tabu and Ajay Devgn’s successful box office runs this year with Crew and Shaitaan, respectively, both actors’ poor earnings on this film are explained by this.
Compared to Akshay Kumar’s Sarfira, which surprised trade pundits by earning Rs 2.4 crore at the box office, Neeraj Pandey’s film has had a bad start. The planned release date of Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha was pushed back since Kalki 2898 AD was doing so well at the box office at the time, but it doesn’t seem like that helped the movie’s chances.
Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, has earned a higher opening day collection than Sudhanshu Saria’s spy thriller Ulajh, which collected ₹1.10 crore. However, Ajay and Tabu, who are bigger stars and their 10th film together, have often worked wonders at the box office. Their previous successes include Nishikant Kamat’s 2015 crime thriller Drishyam, which opened at ₹5.8 crore, its sequel, Abhishek Pathak’s Drishyam 2 (2022), and Rohit Shetty’s 2017 comedy Golmaal Again, which earned twice more than Drishyam 2 at ₹30 crore. Their 2019 romantic drama De De Pyaar De also earned ₹8.5 crore, much more than Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha. Last year’s action thriller Bholaa, directed by Ajay and Tabu, earned ₹11 crore on the opening day.