Recently, Shah Rukh Khan recalled that he was labelled “very ugly” by a director, a comment that affected him to play a terrible character in Darr.Often referred to as Bollywood’s romance king, Shah Rukh Khan recently talked candidly on the difficulties he had in his early career at the Locarno Film Festival 2024. He opened out about how he once got a frank criticism from a director who labelled him “ugly.””He [a director] said the most beautiful thing about you is that you’re very ugly, you know, because all these heroes, they look like Swiss chocolate,” King Khan recounted. I didn’t have a Swiss chocolate appearance.”In response to the director’s criticism, Shah Rukh Khan chose to play characters who were darker and more complex than the typical hero.
Shah Rukh Khan reportedly thought back to a previous occasion when a filmmaker made a remark on his unusual appearance during the 77th Locarno Film Festival, according to Times Now. The filmmaker made the observation that Khan’s most endearing quality was his unique and unconventional appearance, in contrast to other performers who had the refined aspect of “Swiss chocolate.” Speaking with Giona A. Nazzaro, the festival’s director, Khan recalled this incident and explained how his distinctive appearance made him stand out in the business.
In response to the director’s criticism, Shah Rukh Khan chose to play characters who deviated from the conventional hero archetype. He opted to portray characters that were more nuanced and gloomy. The actor from Dunki revealed that this early experience inspired him to play nasty characters, like as his part in the Switzerland-shot film Darr, directed by Yash Chopra.He received an unexpected offer for a romantic lead around this time from Yash Chopra, who said, “I want to cast you in a love story.” You don’t appear to be such a villain. Khan was subsequently chosen to star in Aditya Chopra’s renowned film Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. “I’m now the Swiss chocolate boy,” SRK jokingly remarked, reflecting on the change in his career.Shah Rukh Khan received the Locarno career achievement award on Saturday.
The crowd was singing along to some of his hit songs during the dynamic and participatory event. Khan also performed his signature arms-outstretched position, saying that choreographer Saroj Khan had come up with the ingenious gesture to enable him avoid difficult dance moves.Shah Rukh Khan spoke candidly about his next action movie, which is helmed by Sujoy Ghosh, during the same festival.
The actor revealed his upcoming project, King, in a now-viral video. He added that in order to meet the physical demands of the action sequences, he must get in shape and lose weight in order to play the part. Khan revealed that he has been thinking about this project for the past few years. Khan was awarded the Pardo alla Carriera prize during the festival.Sujoy Ghosh is the director of King, which stars Shah Rukh Khan, Suhana Khan, and Abhishek Bachchan.