The much-awaited follow-up to the 2018 smash blockbuster Stree, Amar Kaushik’s horror-comedy Stree 2, has brought in Rs 106.5 crore at the Indian box office. The movie got off to a great start and stars Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, Aparshakti Khurana, Abhishek Banerjee, and Pankaj Tripathi. Wednesday’s special opening premieres took in Rs 8.5 crore, which helped pave the way for the movie’s phenomenal opening day, which saw it make Rs 76.5 crore. According to Sacnilk, Stree 2 kept up its momentum on day two, increasing its earnings by Rs 30 crore. Nonetheless, this is a 42.08% decline in collections.
The movie’s total occupancy rate on the second day was 37.46%. In the Hindi market, the first day had a greater occupancy of 77.09%. Amar Kaushik is the director of the movie, which stars Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in their original roles. In Stree 2, we learn how the evil Sarkata is again haunting the people of Chanderi, who once again turn to Stree for assistance. Additionally, there are a number of unexpected celebrity cameos in the movie, including Tamannaah Bhatia, Varun Dhawan, and Akshay Kumar.
Part of producer Dinesh Vijan’s horror-comedy universe, which debuted with Stree in 2018 and features movies like Roohi, Bhediya, and Munjya, is this Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor production. Munjya, which debuted earlier this year with little promotion, made Rs 107.48 crore at the box office throughout its theatrical run, placing it third in terms of earnings for Hindi films this year behind Shaitaan (Rs 149.49 crore) and Fighter (Rs 199.45 crore).