On the day of her birth, Khushi Kapoor paid tribute to her mother, the actress Sridevi. The Archies actress shared a photo of herself as a child on social media, along with one of her mum and sister Janhvi. Boney Kapor, her father, made the same decision. The iconic actress Sridevi was bestowed upon the Indian cinema industry on this day, August 13.
After making her acting debut at the age of four, the legendary heroine of bygone eras rose to prominence in the industry. As the world pays tribute to her today. Actress Khushi Kapoor, her daughter, too mourned her mother terribly. So she posted a photo of herself and her sister Janhvi Kapoor from their early years on Instagram stories.The actress from Archies shared a picture of a framed picture from her house. The picture of the two Kapoor girls with their mother is enough to bring anyone back in time. Actress Janhvi Kapoor chose to have some fun as the picture was being taken, even though Khushi Kapoor looked adorable in her short pixie cut. They had a great memory with their mother because the Bawaal actress kept making funny faces. Actor-producer Boney Kapoor, who is married to actress Shiridevi, also posted an altered photo of his wife on social media as the clock struck twelve and the date changed.The actress is most likely pictured from her comedy-drama film English Vinglish, which came out in 2012.
Posting a picture of his devoted wife, he wrote, “Happy birthday, Jaan.”Not too long after, Boney’s brother and Sridevi’s brother-in-law, actor Sanjay Kapoor, turned to the comments section of his post to express his affection. Many more who honoured the Mr. India actress on her birth anniversary joined him. “Happy birthday to you, Dear Shri Devi,” one person commented, and another said, “Happy birthday, ma’am. Miss you so much.” “She’ll always be the best,” said a third, and “lowing tributes to India’s first female superstar,” said a fourth. Another remarked, “Happy birthday, Hawaii! We miss you.”Janhvi Kapoor said in an exclusive interview with Pinkvilla that she wanted to be an excellent actress. The Dhadak actress explained to us, “I believe it stems from my desire to develop.” My goal is to excel as an actress. My goal is to become the best in my area. With my acting and films, I hope to make people laugh and cry.She continued by recalling how her mother Sridevi encouraged her to establish a connection with the crowd. She went on, “I saw the effect that mom’s work had on people from a very young age,” and she even recalled asking her mother why everyone was so enamoured of her despite the fact that she wasn’t a politician, doctor, soldier, or engaged in any other line of employment that would allow people to emotionally connect with her.”Yeah, I am making them feel like I understand them, maybe escape their life and show them what a larger-than-life emotion is,” the latter actress retorted. I’m dancing, entertaining them, and making them laugh. At this point, Janhvi understood the value of a relationship that cannot be replaced, and she decided she wanted to make connections with people the same way her mother had. “That’s the goal,” the actress from Ulajh said.Regarding her career, Janhvi is scheduled to appear in Devara: Part 1 starring N. T. Rama Rao Jr. and Saif Ali Khan, then Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari. Khushi’s next film appearance will be in the upcoming film Naadaniyaan.