An update regarding the second season of Farzi, starring Shahid Kapoor, was recently revealed by Bhuvan Arora. Important roles in the series were also played by Vijay Sethupathi and Kay Kay Menon. Farzi, a web series created by Raj & DK, went on to become the most watched Hindi online series in India history. The first season of the crime thriller series, which stars Shahid Kapoor, Vijay Sethupathi, Kay Kay Menon, and Bhuvan Arora, generated a lot of excitement. The main protagonist Shahid told Pinkvilla last year that Farzi-Season 2 will be released in the future. Recently, Bhuvan Arora, who portrayed Shahid’s friend in Farzi, revealed information on a tease for the much anticipated season. I learnt that the “writers room is on” from Bhuvan, also known as Firoz.
In his most recent interview on YouTube with Digital Commentary, Bhuvan Arora was asked if he had any updates on the Farzi 2. It is currently in the pre-production phase, according to Bhuvan.”Pakka aa rahi hai, aa rahi hai. The writers room is open (it really is coming). Although we haven’t made an official announcement yet, I believe we are moving forward. Right now, everybody is quite busy. “Apna apna kaam kar rahe hain, sab log,” said Bhuvan. In the Raj & DK series, Bhuvan also talked about his experience working with well-known actors like Vijay Sethupathi and Shahid Kapoor.The Farzi actor described Shahid as a “lovely actor” and named Vijay a “fantastic actor.
“Shahid Kapoor has already stated that Farzi 2 is occurring at a Pinkvilla Masterclass in 2023, saying that the “response was amazing”. Shahid continued, “There’s a chance for a lot more to happen in the series because the first season was open-ended.” Farzi’s first season debuted on February 10, 2023, and consisted of eight episodes. Manoj Bajpayee, Regina Cassandra, and Rashii Khanna also starred. Shahid Kapoor plays the disillusioned artist Sunny in the series, who laments the disparity in affluence in India. Michael Vedanayagam, played by Vijay Sethupathi, is an IPS Special Task Force officer. Mansoor Dalal, played by Kay Kay Menon, is a master crook.