Amid Stree 2’s popularity, actor Rajkummar Rao came to Instagram to share an unseen photo from the film’s set, asking fans if they wanted to see the scenario. As Stree 2 continues to captivate audiences and earn box office success, Rajkummar Rao has given fans a rare look of a scene that did not make the final cut. The actor claimed that this deleted sequence is his favourite part in the film.
Uncovering the Story That Didn’t Make the Final Cut
On Tuesday, the actor shared the glimpse on Instagram. In one shot, he is wearing a girl’s dress and wig. He is dressed in a sparkly little skirt, a red top, and heels. In another photo, he is posing with filmmaker Amar Kaushik wearing the same outfit.
The actor shared the glimpse, writing, “#Stree2″ One of my favorite and funniest scenes from the film that did not make it to the final cut. Is there a sequence in the film that you want to see? What’s going on? (Do you want to see this moment in the movie?) @amarkaushik”.
Fans Eager for More Context on Memorable Scene from Film
Despite being kept out of the theatrical release, this sequence has aroused fans’ interest and increased excitement for Stree 2.
His co-star Shraddha Kapoor dominated the comments section, commenting, “YES!!! “Vicky, please put this here.”
Actor Vijay Varma commented, “Hahhahaha I would pay money to watch this”. Producer Guneet Monga also responded, “Yess!! “I’ll pay to watch this.”
Actor Bhumi Rajgor said, “This was my favorite sequence too when I witnessed it being shot live. The entire thing, with the heel breaking and the wig fight.”
“We Want Rajkumar’s Version of Calm Down,” one user said, while another added, “We want this scene.”Whattttttt??? Whyyyyyyyyy. “I want to see this moment Raj,” one person wrote, while another asked, “What in the universe is this? YE OTT version, please”.
About Stree 2
Stree 2 is a sequel to Stree, picking up where the first section left off. While Stree (2018) focused on a female spirit who was harmed in her mortal life, its sequel centers on Sarkata, a headless villain. Stree 2 follows Sarkata’s abduction of women with an independent voice. Stree 2 was released on August 15, Independence Day 2024, among other major Hindi films such as Khel Khel Mein and Vedaa. Stree 2 is the next installment in producer Dinesh Vijan’s ambitious horror comedy world, which includes films like Bhediya and Munjya. The film also stars Abhishek Banerjee, Pankaj Tripathi, and Aparshakti Khurana.