The crowd got excited to watch Ramayana after seeing Ranbir Kapoor in his debut appearance as Lord Ram. The town has been talking about the Animal actor’s next Ramayana for a while now. But Mukesh Chhabra, the casting director, has been revealing a lot of information about the movie lately, which will only make you more enthusiastic.
Speaking on Nitesh Tiwari’s decision to exclusively cast Ranbir as Lord Ram, Mukesh Chhabra stated, “Bhai had decided to cast Ranbir very early in the process, and once you watch the film, you’ll see why it’s such apt casting.” In my opinion, Rajkummar Rao and Ranbir are the performers I have collaborated with the most over my career. When it comes to acting, nobody can compare to Ranbir. About that, he is utterly unbiased. He doesn’t give hits and flops too much thought. Acting is all that matters to him, he admitted to Ranveer Allabadia during his show.
Many actors declined to play Lakshman in Ramayana.
Mukesh Chhabra added, “We’ve found a lovely actor for Lakshman.” Many people auditioned for the role. But I’m really thrilled with the guy we’ve chosen; this will be his debut feature in Bollywood. It was the final role we cast. We’ve chosen a young actor with extensive television experience; he’s a beautiful man. We could not have chosen a better Lakshman. I’m relieved that the people we initially approached all said no. Two or three people answered nay, believing that Ram and Lakshman must always be together.
Filming for Ramayana has begun; Sunny Deol is expected to play Hanuman, Yash is supposed to play Raavan, and Sai Pallavi is supposed to play Sita.