Kangana Ranaut, an actress and BJP MP, said in an interview that she will never be friends with “Bollywood people” at the time she gets ready for the premiere of her movie Emergency. She referred to them as ignorant and dumb, even likening them to “grasshoppers.”
Speaking with Raj Shamani, Kangana said that in all her years in the film business, she has never met a single sane individual in Bollywood. “I don’t identify as a Bollywood fan. Without a doubt, I can’t be friends with Bollywood folks. She proclaimed, “They are just stupid and dumb, they are so full of themselves.”
She continued, “When they are not filming, their daily schedule consists of waking up, exercising, sleeping in the afternoon, waking up again, watching TV, and sleeping again. And that’s it. They are completely blank, much like grasshoppers. What kind of friendship is it with such people? They don’t know where or what is happening. If there was even one decent person in Bollywood, I would be amazed.”
Kangana also mimicked of certain actresses on the podcast, saying that when the actors get together, they always chat about the same things—designer clothes, gossip, and other similar subjects.
The Queen actress added that she felt it was a waste of time to go to a Bollywood party and that she intimidates most people.
Regarding her career, Kangana’s upcoming film is Emergency, in which she portrays the late Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The movie was initially supposed to come out in 2023, but after a number of setbacks and obstacles, it will now eventually be released on September 6, 2024.
Kangana has directed the film Emergency. Mahima Chaudry, Satish Kaushik, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, and Milind Soman are among the notable actors who feature in the movie.